Magnificent Mind at any age by Dr Amen
Magnificent Mind at any age

Back in Jan 2009 (more than a year ago), I say a program on TV, Magnificent Mind at any Age. Another program I saw of Dr Amen in Dec '08 was called 'Change your Brain, Change your Life'. The programs are books and CD collections by Dr Daniel Amen, M.D. I wonder if any of you got an opportunity to see these programs on KQED channel. Tons of good information about being Brain Healthy in the program. Basic advice to be brain healthy is of what we all know, eating right and exercising. He has given lots of good advice in the 2 programs. Some of my takeaways from his talk show are as below. My comments are as usual in braces (....). Enjoy.
Dr Daniel was talking about CD set 'Magnificent Mind with Medical Hypnosis'. Some of his comments on Hypnosis are as follows.
So take the first step to improve your life. Incorporate natural methods to improve your brain which will automatically improve your life. I started my practice with the logo 'Expand your Brain, Expand your Life' and it's such a coincidence that Dr Daniel Amen's program (Change your Brain, Change your Life), I saw in Dec '08 is so closely linked to my logo. I remember in the movie Kungfu Panda, the master saying 'There are no accidents' :)
If you get a chance, go get the books from the library and read them. Some really great tips and information in the books. Dr Amen's work with brain imaging is fascinating.
Other books I am reading simultaneously are 'Health Intuition' by Karen Grace Kassy and 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' bestseller. Will try and make some notes on these books and post them later.
Keep having fun and do share your comments on this article. Click on the link after the article on 'Create a link' and that allows you to post a comment. Not very intuitive but I still have not figured out how to rename the link message. In case you gurus know how to, let me know via comments or send me an email at
Remember, social transformation begins by individual transformation. If we improve ourselves even 1% every month, we can be so much better in the years to come, right? Better us, better planet.
Happy blogging.

Back in Jan 2009 (more than a year ago), I say a program on TV, Magnificent Mind at any Age. Another program I saw of Dr Amen in Dec '08 was called 'Change your Brain, Change your Life'. The programs are books and CD collections by Dr Daniel Amen, M.D. I wonder if any of you got an opportunity to see these programs on KQED channel. Tons of good information about being Brain Healthy in the program. Basic advice to be brain healthy is of what we all know, eating right and exercising. He has given lots of good advice in the 2 programs. Some of my takeaways from his talk show are as below. My comments are as usual in braces (....). Enjoy.
- 'Focus on what you love about your life a lot more than what you don't like'. (I read something similar on how a heart full of gratitude expands the mind much faster, making it healthier, stronger and happier. After all gratitude releases serotonin in your brains, the substance that is present in anti-depressant pills. So why not produce it naturally in your body without side effects)
- The best way to help yourself is to help others. (Have you done something for someone without expecting anything in return? Did you notice how good you felt inside and the wonderful sense of well being?. If you have not done that yet, don't miss out on this chance to feel REAL good inside. Help others without expecting anything back. REAL JOY!)
- There is no time like the present to start. The longer you allow a problem to fester, the harder it is to treat. So stop it. Now is the time to get started. (Like I mentioned in one of the other blog article, today will only bring more of what you got yesterday. So to change yourself, start now, there is no better time than NOW!)
Dr Daniel was talking about CD set 'Magnificent Mind with Medical Hypnosis'. Some of his comments on Hypnosis are as follows.
- Hypnosis is very powerful. People think it's not science. Absolutely Science. There is imaging studies done which show that when you are in trance, it activates the happy side of your brain. So you are happier and more focused. (Makes sense to me, after all I am a certified Hypnotherapist :)
- What hypnosis does is decrease your focus on everything else and gets the focus internal, so you bring the focus to where you are more teachable, more open. A lot of people are afraid of hypnosis. They say 'I am not going to do that". But when hypnosis does it teach people to be in control of themselves. Hypnosis is such a powerful tool and I have used it in my practice for 27 years. Hypnosis is such a wonderful thing that all of us should benefit from it and use it. It's simple.
- Meditation, Guided Imagery (part of Hypnotherapy) helps improve focus, concentration, memory. Both Meditation and Hypnosis produce similar Alpha, Beta wavelengths in the brain, activating more parts of your brain thereby improving many aspects of your life
- (you can lose upto 80,000 brain cells a day as per Dr Daniel Amen. But with Meditation/ Hypnosis you can regrow your brain cells and balance the various lobes in the brain. COOOOL!. Meditation takes years and years of practice to master. However Self Hypnosis can be learnt in days and mastered within weeks. Now why would you not put in some self effort to improve your life).
So take the first step to improve your life. Incorporate natural methods to improve your brain which will automatically improve your life. I started my practice with the logo 'Expand your Brain, Expand your Life' and it's such a coincidence that Dr Daniel Amen's program (Change your Brain, Change your Life), I saw in Dec '08 is so closely linked to my logo. I remember in the movie Kungfu Panda, the master saying 'There are no accidents' :)
If you get a chance, go get the books from the library and read them. Some really great tips and information in the books. Dr Amen's work with brain imaging is fascinating.
Other books I am reading simultaneously are 'Health Intuition' by Karen Grace Kassy and 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' bestseller. Will try and make some notes on these books and post them later.
Keep having fun and do share your comments on this article. Click on the link after the article on 'Create a link' and that allows you to post a comment. Not very intuitive but I still have not figured out how to rename the link message. In case you gurus know how to, let me know via comments or send me an email at
Remember, social transformation begins by individual transformation. If we improve ourselves even 1% every month, we can be so much better in the years to come, right? Better us, better planet.
Happy blogging.
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