Make "Brisk Walking" A Positive Habit
Hello everyone.
Instead of reviewing a book, I am sharing something that I believe you will enjoy reading and can include it in your life now. Feel free to share this with your friends and family. We keep looking for complex ways to solve simple issues. In this article I wanted to bring to your notice how a simple act like walking can provide immense benefits to your physical, mental and emotional health. Happy reading!
"Not running, not jogging, but walking is your most efficient exercise and the only one you can safely follow all the years of your life." - Executive Health Organization
"Walking is man's best medicine." -Hippocrates
Walking as a daily exercise habit can truly be a life-changing positive habit and is one of the most powerful habits for reaching your goal of a healthy trim and fit body. Over the past 20 years, there have been dozens of studies that have proven the benefits of brisk walking.
Thousands upon thousands of people have improved their health and lost weight by the diligent habit of walking. If you think that walking does not provide the same benefits as other more vigorous exercises, think again.
A study published by the New England Journal Of Medicine showed that postmenopausal women who walked regularly lowered their risk for heart disease just as much as women who did more vigorous exercise, such as playing sports or running.
This study suggests that walking is just as good for your heart as heavy exercise. I spoke with study author Dr. JoAnn E. Manson, Chief of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Womens Hospital, Professor of Medicine, at Harvard Medical School. She said, "The study provides compelling evidence that walking and vigorous exercise provide similar heart benefits, about a 30% to 40% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease with 30 minutes per day of either activity."
I also asked her about the benefits of making brisk walking a positive habit, and she responded, "they could surely walk away from heart disease and several other chronic diseases. We have also found that brisk walking for at least 3 hours a week can lower the risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes,and breast cancer.
No pain, no gain, is an outdated notion; exercise doesn't need to be strenuous or uncomfortable. It can be easy and enjoyable." Even though the study consisted solely of women, it is likely that men would experience similar benefits from the positive habit of brisk walking.
Here are additional benefits you will receive from your habit of brisk walking:
* Walking burns calories and helps you lose weight and burn excess body fat.
* Walking can help to improve your posture.
* Walking requires no special equipment or gyms.
* Walking can help lower blood pressure and help prevent circulatory and heart disorders.
* Brisk, aerobic walking will give you the benefits of other exercises, such as jogging and cycling, but without the risk of injuries.
* Walking at night can help promote better sleep.
What are the top 10 reasons to walk?
Hiking is a great walking exercise for mind and body.
1. Walking prevents type 2 diabetes. The Diabetes Prevention Program showed that walking 150 minutes per week and losing just 7% of your body weight (12-15 pounds) can reduce your risk of diabetes by 58%.
2. Walking strengthens your heart if you're male. In one study, mortality rates among retired men who walked less than one mile per day were nearly twice that among those who walked more than two miles per day.
3. Walking strengthens your heart if you're female. Women in the Nurse's Health Study (72,488 female nurses) who walked three hours or more per week reduced their risk of a heart attack or other coronary event by 35% compared with women who did not walk.
4. Walking is good for your brain. In a study on walking and cognitive function, researchers found that women who walked the equivalent of an easy pace at least 1.5 hours per week had significantly better cognitive function and less cognitive decline than women who walked less than 40 minutes per week. Think about that!
6. Walking helps alleviate symptoms of depression. Walking for 30 minutes, three to five times per week for 12 weeks reduced symptoms of depression as measured with a standard depression questionnaire by 47%.
7. Walking reduces the risk of breast and colon cancer. Women who performed the equivalent of one hour and 15 minutes to two and a half hours per week of brisk walking had an 18% decreased risk of breast cancer compared with inactive women. Many studies have shown that exercise can prevent colon cancer, and even if an individual person develops colon cancer, the benefits of exercise appear to continue both by increasing quality of life and reducing mortality.
8. Walking improves fitness. Walking just three times a week for 30 minutes can significantly increase cardiorespiratory fitness.
9. Walking in short bouts improves fitness, too! A study of sedentary women showed that short bouts of brisk walking (three 10-minute walks per day) resulted in similar improvements in fitness and were at least as effective in decreasing body fatness as long bouts (one 30-minute walk per day).
10. Walking improves physical function. Research shows that walking improves fitness and physical function and prevents physical disability in older persons. Walking is good for your bones. Research shows that postmenopausal women who walk approximately one mile each day have higher whole-body bone density than women who walk shorter distances, and walking is also effective in slowing the rate of bone loss from the legs.
The list goes on, but if I continued, there'd be no time for you to start walking! Suffice to say that walking is certainly good for you!
Check out more benefits and information at the following sites:
Happy walking. Together we make this a better planet for all of us.
Warm regards,
Karuna Jain, M.S, C.Ht
Certified Hypnotherapist www.kjHypnoTherapyCenter.com5.
Instead of reviewing a book, I am sharing something that I believe you will enjoy reading and can include it in your life now. Feel free to share this with your friends and family. We keep looking for complex ways to solve simple issues. In this article I wanted to bring to your notice how a simple act like walking can provide immense benefits to your physical, mental and emotional health. Happy reading!
"Not running, not jogging, but walking is your most efficient exercise and the only one you can safely follow all the years of your life." - Executive Health Organization
"Walking is man's best medicine." -Hippocrates
Walking as a daily exercise habit can truly be a life-changing positive habit and is one of the most powerful habits for reaching your goal of a healthy trim and fit body. Over the past 20 years, there have been dozens of studies that have proven the benefits of brisk walking.
Thousands upon thousands of people have improved their health and lost weight by the diligent habit of walking. If you think that walking does not provide the same benefits as other more vigorous exercises, think again.
A study published by the New England Journal Of Medicine showed that postmenopausal women who walked regularly lowered their risk for heart disease just as much as women who did more vigorous exercise, such as playing sports or running.
This study suggests that walking is just as good for your heart as heavy exercise. I spoke with study author Dr. JoAnn E. Manson, Chief of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Womens Hospital, Professor of Medicine, at Harvard Medical School. She said, "The study provides compelling evidence that walking and vigorous exercise provide similar heart benefits, about a 30% to 40% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease with 30 minutes per day of either activity."
I also asked her about the benefits of making brisk walking a positive habit, and she responded, "they could surely walk away from heart disease and several other chronic diseases. We have also found that brisk walking for at least 3 hours a week can lower the risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes,and breast cancer.
No pain, no gain, is an outdated notion; exercise doesn't need to be strenuous or uncomfortable. It can be easy and enjoyable." Even though the study consisted solely of women, it is likely that men would experience similar benefits from the positive habit of brisk walking.
Here are additional benefits you will receive from your habit of brisk walking:
* Walking burns calories and helps you lose weight and burn excess body fat.
* Walking can help to improve your posture.
* Walking requires no special equipment or gyms.
* Walking can help lower blood pressure and help prevent circulatory and heart disorders.
* Brisk, aerobic walking will give you the benefits of other exercises, such as jogging and cycling, but without the risk of injuries.
* Walking at night can help promote better sleep.
What are the top 10 reasons to walk?

1. Walking prevents type 2 diabetes. The Diabetes Prevention Program showed that walking 150 minutes per week and losing just 7% of your body weight (12-15 pounds) can reduce your risk of diabetes by 58%.
2. Walking strengthens your heart if you're male. In one study, mortality rates among retired men who walked less than one mile per day were nearly twice that among those who walked more than two miles per day.
3. Walking strengthens your heart if you're female. Women in the Nurse's Health Study (72,488 female nurses) who walked three hours or more per week reduced their risk of a heart attack or other coronary event by 35% compared with women who did not walk.
4. Walking is good for your brain. In a study on walking and cognitive function, researchers found that women who walked the equivalent of an easy pace at least 1.5 hours per week had significantly better cognitive function and less cognitive decline than women who walked less than 40 minutes per week. Think about that!
6. Walking helps alleviate symptoms of depression. Walking for 30 minutes, three to five times per week for 12 weeks reduced symptoms of depression as measured with a standard depression questionnaire by 47%.
7. Walking reduces the risk of breast and colon cancer. Women who performed the equivalent of one hour and 15 minutes to two and a half hours per week of brisk walking had an 18% decreased risk of breast cancer compared with inactive women. Many studies have shown that exercise can prevent colon cancer, and even if an individual person develops colon cancer, the benefits of exercise appear to continue both by increasing quality of life and reducing mortality.
8. Walking improves fitness. Walking just three times a week for 30 minutes can significantly increase cardiorespiratory fitness.
9. Walking in short bouts improves fitness, too! A study of sedentary women showed that short bouts of brisk walking (three 10-minute walks per day) resulted in similar improvements in fitness and were at least as effective in decreasing body fatness as long bouts (one 30-minute walk per day).
10. Walking improves physical function. Research shows that walking improves fitness and physical function and prevents physical disability in older persons. Walking is good for your bones. Research shows that postmenopausal women who walk approximately one mile each day have higher whole-body bone density than women who walk shorter distances, and walking is also effective in slowing the rate of bone loss from the legs.
The list goes on, but if I continued, there'd be no time for you to start walking! Suffice to say that walking is certainly good for you!
Check out more benefits and information at the following sites:
Happy walking. Together we make this a better planet for all of us.
Warm regards,
Karuna Jain, M.S, C.Ht
Certified Hypnotherapist www.kjHypnoTherapyCenter.com5.